Unit 1
2. A finite set of data items of the same type, grouped together using a single identifier: array pointer stack queue
3. Text data in the form of a sequence of characters is known in computing terminology as: a byte a word a field a string
4. A low level language is translated into machine code by: a compiler a programmer an assembler a macro
5. An advantage of an assembly language over a high level language is: it is easier to write it produces more efficient machine code it is easier to read it is easier to translate to another machine of a different make
6. The While..Do..End While program structure is an example of: selection recursion iteration sequence
7. Data structure used to store the return address when a subroutine is called: list tree queue stack
8. An attempt to add a new element to stack which is already full will result in: an overflow error an underflow error the stack being pushed the stack being popped
9. A subprogram whose name acts as an identifier which represents the value returned: procedure function algorithm program
10. A second generation language: machine code assembly code Pascal Java