Unit 1
2. The exchange of signals between devices to establish their readiness to send or receive data: transmission protocol synchronisation handshaking
3. If even parity were used, which of the following would cause an error to be generated at the receiving end? 10100101 11111111 10000101 01010101
4. The speed at which data is transmitted serially: bandwidth baud rate modem speed communication rate
5. The international code .com in a domain name indicates: a non-commercial organisation a commercial organisation that trades internationally a commercial organisation that trades in a single country an organisation or company that provides Internet access
6. Network where each node is connected to a central host computer which controls the network: star bus ring loop
7. Transmission mode which uses timing signals to control the rate of transmission: serial parallel synchronous asynchronous
8. The range of frequencies that can be sent/received: transmission rate bit rate baud rate bandwidth
9. Device which converts digital signals from the computer into analogue signals which can be transmitted over telephone lines: router transducer modem gateway
10. Transmission used inside the computer for short distances (up to a few metres) e.g. to printer: serial parallel synchronous asynchronous