Unit 4
2. The width of this bus determines the maximum address that can be directly referenced: Address Data Control Interrupt
3. The width of this bus determines how many bits can be transferred simultaneously: Address Data Control Interrupt
4. Set of machine instructions that a processor recognises and can execute: High level language Low level language Imperative language Instruction set
5. Instruction which does not require an operand e.g. HALT: Two address instruction One address instruction Zero address instruction Shift instruction
6. Instruction for which two bytes are required for the operand, either because two operands are involved or because the operand is too large to fit into one byte e.g. MOV R1, R2: Two address instruction One address instruction Zero address instruction Shift instruction
7. Addressing mode where the operand is the address of a location which in turn holds the address of the data required: Immediate (literal) addressing Direct addressing Indirect addressing Relative addressing
8. Addressing mode where the operand is modified by adding the contents of the index register to give an address of the data: Indirect addressing Base register addressing Relative addressing Indexed (modified) addressing
9. Shift instruction where the MSB is discarded as all other bits move to the left: Left logical Left arithmetic Right logical Right arithmetic
10. Shift instruction which causes division by two and the sign bit is preserved: Left arithmetic Left logical Right circular Right arithmetic