Unit 2
Operating system software - to control and monitor the running of application programs and to allow users to communicate with the computer
Memory management - allocate memory to each application as well as to itself
Resource allocation and scheduling - allocate processing time, memory and input/output resources to programs to make best possible use of computer's resources
Backing store management - controls transfer of data between disk and memory and maintains directory of disk so files can be located quickly
Interrupt - signal to CPU requesting attention
Multiprogramming - more than one program in memory appearing to operate simultaneously
Virtual memory - OS stores only a few pages of each program in memory at any one time so that memory appears to be larger than it is
Virtual machine - OS functions in such a way as to hide from the user all the complexities of the hardware
Batch processing - processing carried out from beginning to end without user interaction
Interactive OS - user and computer in direct two-way communication
Real-time OS
On-line processing - user interacts directly with main computer
Off-line processing - computer devices not under immediate control of main computer
Network OS - controls who logs on to network and access rights etc.
File manager - holds info about each file/folder saved
Drive - hardware that seeks, reads and writes info to and from disk
Backup - making copies of data or programs in case the originals are corrupted or lost
Differential backup - copies only those files that have changed since the last normal backup (e.g. every day)
Normal backup - copies all selected files (do e.g. once a week)